Browse Pet Videos
1 - 23 of 23
Blind dog plays fetch
Dog loves playing with ball
Dog wants a tummy rub for catching all these balls
Freestyle Frisbee Dog
Corgi dog won't fetch without his blanket
Doggy Plays Catch
Dog is great at catching socks
Blind dog Myron plays Fetch
A dog goes for a swim to retrieve his ball, now he has a friend for life
Dog and Baby Play Fetch
Dog Vs. Fetching Machine
TalentedFrisbee Dog (1)
Winter Paper Fetching
Blind and Fetching
Corgi dog wants baby to play fetch
Dog in a cat's body
When it comes to fetching, my dog is an overachiever
Whippet dog loves playing ball
Cat Knows How to Play Fetch
Clever Dog Plays Fetch With Himself Using Stairs
Dog is Terrible at Fetch (Slow-Motion)
Jack Russell Dog Playing Fetch with Himself
Don't say "fly", say "fetch"