National Pets and Kids Day

We asked for your best photos that spoke to today's holiday: National Pet & Kid's Day!

DogWork fans sent so many great photos that reminded us that all of our young, furry loved ones are special to us. children and pets share so many great qualities: innocence, curiousity, creativity and overflowing love.


Looks like great fun with your son and 2 dogs - Thanks John!


Great photo, Elsie


What a loving picture - Thanks Yadira


Great photo, Jackie!


You have beautiful kids, Nicky!


Andrew and Shadow R.I.P. - Our thoughts are with you, Kathy

Andrew & Shadow

"End of a Long Day" - Thanks Fiona

End Of A Long Day

"Move Over" - Thanks Kimberly

Move Over!

You gotta love Evn and Diego Bob - Thanks Patti

My Grandson Evan And My Chihuahua Diego Bob ♥

Sleeping Kids!

Sleeping Beauties ..

"Waiting for Mommy" - Thanks Larry!

Waiting For Mommy

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